Wednesday, January 13, 2010

unheard cries, untouched lives, unreached places...the lost world...

"can anyone see me?" it is a cry heard the world over that each day I hear a little louder.
"am I worth seeing? can YOU see past where I am to who I am? will YOU love me enough to see behind the facade and beyond the image to what is real?"
There are many ways to be invisible. I have been learning it is not just the ones discarded on rubbish dumps who are unseen. While some lives are hidden in trash heaps and slums, others are hidden behind wealth and success. But the heart cry is the same. Whether the disguise is poverty or prada, the question remains unchanged. And so does the answer.
I have been learning to see. God has been teaching me to see both the physically poor and the truly poor as He sees them. the physically poor are the ones we have often looked past and chosen not to see. seeing might compel us to become involved. and that involvement would surely entail risk. risk might mean personal cost. And alas, in the culture of cost/benefit analyses, it remains easier for most of us to feign blindness and choose to live in a sightless world.

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