Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mount Abu and sight seeing!

greetings to you from chilly Udaipur!!

so we set off on friday at 7.30am for Mount Abu,(cold but beautiful morning, which is about 2 and a half hours from the base. we joined the UK medical team for a day of seeing sick villagers that live at the foothills of the mountain. the most amazing thing was that this was the first time such a thing had been done in that region!! we drove along these beautiful Rajasthani plains on a smooth road (exceptional for India) through ancient rock...sunrise over this landscape was one of the best i've ever seen! we got there and set up at a local believer's house... we saw more than 120 patients. most people asked for prayer afterwards! there was A LOT of happy kids afterwards. its amazing how we take basic health care for granted and how happy these villagers were even just to get a wound cleaned up. it was the FIRST medical camp in their area and it was such a blessing to them and to us. our team leader presented a talk to the ladies on basic health care and hygiene...a meal was prepared for us at the end of the afternoon and it was horrifying to know how much chilli had gone into the curry!!! seriously a plate FULL of chilli was crushed and put into the curry. but we didnt want to be offensive so we just had to be of good courage and down it of the guys from the medical team was literally in tears at the end of it!! we left behind a lot of happy villagers and it was really good to see the lil kids see joy in empty eyes and painful faces... :) it would be sooo good to go back there someday!!! had to had to stop at a local chai stop on the way back! :) no road trip in India is compplete without one! :)

after getting a good night's sleep and recovering from all stomach issues we headed into town today to celebrate a birthday and do some exploring. after touring the serene queen's gardens we hung out at a local ice cream shop. was really good icecream and really good service! can you imagine having a double scoop cookies and cream sundae with butter scotch sauce and a whole heap of other stuff in it for just 35 rupees?? :) well thats just under 1 australian dollaR!!! then we headed off into town to get little bits and pieces...i seriously think God's hand is so over India...honestly with the amount of stuff on the road (cows, people, buses, trucks, rickshaws), its a wonder these people are alive! God has been good with keeping us safe too!! :) we must have walked for hours and hours, but there was nothing like having some gulab jamun's as a relief from the hot sun! you guys MUST try some of these sometime! absolutely the bomb!!

peter has just gotten the next week's schedule and wow! he has a lot on his plate!
an opportunity has come up for me to teach some of the little children a dance.sort of a build up from what another teacher had taught them, so i'm excited!! this dance will then be performed at future church events. and there'll be lots more of teaching english at the local school next week as well as learning some new worship songs in hindi...exciting stuff! and i'm sure there'll be more spontaneous stuff! REALLY loving it here, but missing you my friends!!

may the Lord bless and keep you!!

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