Wednesday, January 13, 2010

onwards and upwards to Udaipur!!!!!

i love how India never sleeps!!! blaring horns, a bus that was being driven at the speed of a rocket and constant stops at motels playing loud bollywood chaotic as that sounds, thats what makes India unique :) God's Presence on the bus to Udaipur was so strong and as we zoomed past the vast sky and endless stars, I was again reminded that Jesus is always in control and even though i couldn't understand why on earth i was asked to stay behind for 6 months, He knows and He is with me. and again in that moment, living for the lost world just felt so right, just felt so normal...any other place would be abnormal...

so Peter and I made it alive to the was quite amazing to see no cars on the streets at 6am...Udaipur is beautiful at dawn...!! but got ripped off by the rickshaw guy...!! after some chai and some guitar time the week's plans were discussed. it looks like we have a busy week ahead!! I'll be working in the clinic with the women and children with the slight chance of being able to minister in women's prisons around the area. Also working in the children's home at the college and assisting in teaching english at the local school which is down the road. EXCITING stuff!!!! Peter will be used as the physiotherapist he is at the local clinic and also have a chance to do some jamming with the guys...he is also able to join a visiting medical team from the UK who will be working with the village folks. Have had a chance to get to know the UK team. Thery are doing some great work and their jokes are actually really funny hehe...!!! as well as being meds, they have been organizing prophetic healing meetings at which many of the villagers have been healed!!!! Talk about preaching the Gospel through actions and the Word!

Peter spoke at chapel on the first day. it was quite hilarious because the translator was a guy that was translating for the first time so he kept mixing up the words haha...but despite that tiny obstacle, the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of the students and they understood it! :) overall a really encouraging message that broke through the barriers of language! went out to dinner with the UK medical team at a local restaurant called "berry's". was great fun and a great laugh on the way back as we decided to experiment with the whole many people in a rickshaw thing...good thing i'm tiny, i can squeeze in anywhere ;) by the way Udaipur is very pretty at night... :)will try and post some photos soon...

while it is great being back here, its quite different without the rest of the, the kids at the children's home followed me around all morning curious to know more :) the schools were closed for 2 days because its been quite cold...LOL!! India is funny i tell you! so the kids have been hanging around alot...and little kids trying to explain things to you in hindi is quite hilarious!! Spent some time with the girls at the college too. They are quite keen to learn English in order to do their assignments from today onwards i’ll be doing some classes everyday for about an hour or so. ...tomorrow we might head off to check out the local school for a mela (indian carnival) and then do some more teaching with the college students... having the UK team around has been quite a blessing...could be assisting them with more of their village ventures... thinking of doing some intercession workshops with the girls...getting to know their lives, their hearts and their stories has really challenged me...their hunger and desire to honour for Him is soo raw!!

good night from the starry skies of Udaipur :)

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