Thursday, December 24, 2009


One of the aspects of this mission trip preparation is getting the jabs. I think most of us have had our immunizations done (Esther, G, Simon, Jas and I) and the others have strong immune systems that don't require such big Z..=p.
It's a blessing to have nurses in the church who are willing to do the jabs for free. Thanks Gerald!

Only a few more days left before we leave. As the day comes nearer, the sense of soaking into God's presence grows stronger. A wise person told me to make sure we have private moments with God, alone, just Him and us..My desire is to be poured out like a drink offering, and I'm sure its the desire of the others, to be able to give and love unconditionally. And for that, our spirit has to be in tuned with God.

Have a Merry CHRISTmas to y'all~

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